New Site!
Hey guys,
So I finally did it, I made my own site, complete with a monthly bill I'll get depressed and wonder why I'm paying periodically.
for new comics, please head over to
In his defense, I think he just needed it to help carry his bags. Seriously beware of a crusader against certain varieties of make-outs.
Bike Accident/The Dozens
If you're wondering why that bike seat looks weird, it's because my bike seat looks weird. If you're wondering why the other guy, the sidewalk, my zipper, and the urinal looks weird, it's because I devote a lot of my time to drawing, SOMETHING I'M NOT EXACTLY RAD AT.
Parenthood Fears, part one.
I've not yet finished anything that I labeled as 'Part One.' In the case of comics describing my worst fears of parenthood, that's probably for the best
Our generation's most trusted actor
I've represented T-Pain this way at least twice. Watching his videos always cheers me up. I am sorry Tom Hanks.
Three hundred m*****f***ers
This is my 300th post. Also silhouettes (a word I cannot hope to spell correctly) of animals are all I want to draw right now.